Monday, December 21, 2009

Again tentang Jejaka .

Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , Today seems better than yesterday .
Yahh , i went to a singing competition at Kuantan Plaza just now with my family . With reason ! My bro was one of the finalist there . Back from the saringan separuh akhir , jerit jerit dari
bawahh ,

Bro : Mamaaaaaa , abg dpt masuk final . Dtang eh malam ni ?
Mama : Alaaa , malas lah mama , boy . Lgipun hujan ni .
Bro : Alaaaa maaaa , boleh lahh ? Plssssss ?
Mama : Yeee lahhh .
Bro : Hahhh , papa mane ? Ajak papa sekali !
Mama : Mama ajak sekali jiran semua okayy ?
Bro : Mama ni lucu orangnya , *Dgn muke ala alaaaa mintak penumbuk gituuu . HAHA .

Ohh okayy , This is not i'm intended to talk about . Itu cuma selingan . HEHE .

Okay , let's just brief it !
Yesterday , i heard a conversation between my brother and one of his friend . i'm close with his friend too .

Bro : Apehal lu ? Monyok semacam ? Kucing kau meninggal ?
friend : Parahhh , bai ! Aku peningggg dah ni .
Bro : Rilekss lahh , cume slowly ko crite kat aku .
Friend : Aku minat kat sorang awek ni , tp she seems like so-so to me . She gives hope to me but when i confessed to her . She was ' Ahaaa , lawakkk je ' . What should i do ?
Bro : Makk aihh , kawan aku kemaruk cinta rupanyaaa . HAHA ;) . Okayy , in my personal opinion , text her for a week non-stop , then stop for the next week. If she really likes you, she will miss your texts and starts to sms you. If she don't like you. Sorry to say .
Me : Ohooo , tuu aku tak setuju lansungg . Tak semua perempuan akan sms balik walaupun die suke kau doww . Kalau kau nak usha awek yang takat minah rempit, boleh lah gune trick tu , kalau kau nak tackle minah yang Ego mengalahkan Yamaha Ego and Dia tu gilaan ramai? HAH? Mesti dia fikir , ' eh come on , i ni hot , who the hell cares ? 'Takkan lah tetibe ko senyapp , then , that girl nak mule dulu ? Gerenti dalam otak die , ' OHHH , mamat ni dah boring dengan aku kot sbb tu dah tak nak text aku' . Seriously , sbg perempuan aku akan rase mcm tu and i'm not going to text you first . Itu perigi mencari timba .
Friend : Betul gakk ohh . Dahh amcm nak tau weyy , Mira ?
Bro : Amboii , lawan tokey kau Miraa ? HAHAH
Me : Biase lahh . HEHE . Okay mcm ni . Sbg perempuan , aku rase , perempuan yg sanggup layan call or text lelaki sampai malam butaa , maknenye die suke ko . Tp kalau sms kejap je , and cakap , ' Youu , i ngantuk ni . Later ehh ' . Tu ko faham faham lahh . Next , tengok cara die layan ko , Kalo die tuu jenis tengok layann je dgn joke kau yg bodoh bin bahalul , Go on , tu maknenye dh dpt green light tuu . Tp kalau kau perah otak mcm nak putus urat otak and die mcm nak tak nak je ketawa , Okayy , you HAVE to make a move from her life .
Friend : Tuuu jee ?
Me : Amboii , ni lah manusia . Dah kasi betis nak pehaaa . Kau kalau mintak lebih dari peha , aku kasi atas lagi nak ?
Friend : Uishh , bolehhh . Ape ?
Me : Sikuu ! Nak rase makan Sup Siku ke ?
Friend : Heheeeee . Taknak . Okayy , aku try ushaaa dulu guna trick ko okayy . Kalau berhasil , gua support lu Mega baii !
Me : Ohooooo , Starbucks , here i come .
Friend : Amboii , demand nampak ? HHAHA . okayy boleh . Anything for HER . cieyy .

*That time , my bro dah masuk dalam , frust sebab jawatan die sbg Doktor Falsafah Cinta telah dilucutkan atas sebab ketidakmajuan fikiran di dalam percintaan . Trick lameee baii , skrg zaman moden ! HAHAH

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